Posted on 20 June, 2023
Tips to control Seasonal allergies
A glimpse at seasonal allergies shows that they are type I, hyper sensitivity reactions where the body overreacts when exposed to these allergens floating in the air (pollen, rag weeds, animal dander, Etc.), This occurs in the spring with the trees blooming, in the summer with grass and weeds and in the fall with rag weeds.
The main cause of seasonal allergies revolves around dairy product consumption, depressed immune system and a poor lymphatic drainage system.
There are many symptoms that point to the condition such as runny nose, teary eyes, nasal congestion, nasal obstruction, sneezing, hives, itchy dry skin, skin blotches, headaches, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue and tiredness. Some of these symptoms are blamed on deviated nasal septum, food allergies, lactose intolerance and colds. However, differential diagnosis proves otherwise.
The treatment of seasonal allergy revolves around the following
1- Hypo-allergic diet
2- Healthy colon flora
3- Elimination of dairy products consumption
4- Healthier diet is the best method of allergies prevention
5- It May vary from person to person depending on the leading cause whether lack of breast feeding, excessive anti-biotic therapies or street drugs abuse.
Treatments of seasonal allergies must be initiated several months before the actual onset of allergies is released into the air. Once therapy is initiated, a person should refrain from seeking any excuses that would divert from the prescribed main course of anti allergies diet.
A food sensitivity test (IgG) is a blood test geared to identify potential allergens in food with higher accuracy. It is far better than Electro Dermal Testing, a skin point testing depending on electric resistance (BMJ. 2001 Jan 20; 322(7279): 131–134.), which is termed indirect testing with a higher probability of inaccuracy. I favor the food sensitivity test (IgG) over the skin indirect test because the blood test has lesser room for mistakes probabilities. In the event a patient ends up in the family physician's office or consults with ER one night or on a holiday, the medical staff can immediately relate to its contents. avoid histamine-releasing food.
A summary indicates the probable culprit's allergic food
Those patients suffering from hives and allergies are advised to refrain from eating the following histamine-associated foods. Any consumption of
the following food would mean restarting the allergy episode. Patients suffering from allergies should be most careful and cautious.
Allergies vocabulary does not contain such phrases as “I forgot”, “I did not think it will affect me” or “It is one incident”.
Type of food Allergens found in Dairy Products, Grains, Fruits, Vegetables, Sea Foods, Nuts, and Others
Food that causes itch
Milk/Cheese, Egg, Wheat, Berries, Tomatoes, Fish, Shellfish, Nuts, Chocolate,
Uncooked food that may release Histamine
Egg white, Pineapple, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Fish, Shellfish, Anchovies, Alcohol, Chocolate
Food that causes Allergies and itch
Whey protein, Oranges, Strawberries, Mushrooms, Peppers, Eggplants, All Legumes, MSG
Food that produces Histamine
All aged protein,
Cold cuts, (pastrami, mortadella, BLT,)
Fermented foods, Fermented products ( red wine, beer, brewer's yeast, sauerkraut, Kampuchea
Kimchi, Tempe, Miso, pickles, vinegar, apple cider, balsamic vinegar, white vinegar, )
Uncooked fermented cheese, Brie, cheddar, Camembert, Gruyere, Parmesan, Roquefort,
All Sausages’ Beef sausage, Pork sausage, Ham, Canned fish, Chicken, Shell fish,
Milk and all dairy products Cow, Goat, Chocolate, Chocolate milk,
Some Vegetables are Soy, spinach, tomatoes, mushroom, peppers, and eggplants
Fermented vegetables
Additional restrictions
Hive’s Diet
No white sugar, No Brown Sugar, No Chocolate, No Dairy (ALL), No Gluten, No Whole wheat, No Fried Food, No Fries, No Cigarette smoking, No Coffee, No Nuts, No Legumes, No Sea Food
Remember that cheap cosmetics play a huge role in Allergies
No Cosmetics, No Frozen Food, No Canned Food, No Smoked Food, No Juices (Comm),
Dr. Fateh Srajeldin BSc, ND, 416-207-0207